Badges and patches are a fantastic way to elevate the quality of headwear and apparel. They offer a versatile and customizable approach to decoration, allowing individuals to express their unique personality and style. Whether it's adding a small emblem to a hat or a large patch to a jacket, these embellishments can instantly transform a plain garment into a fashion statement. With a vast range of options and styles available, the possibilities are endless. From embroidered patches that add texture and dimension to woven badges that offer a sleek and polished look, badges and patches enable individuals to truly personalize their garments. They not only enhance the aesthetic appeal but also contribute to the overall quality of the product by adding an element of uniqueness. Whether it's for branding purposes or purely for fashion, leveraging badges and patches is an excellent choice for those who seek to increase the level of their headwear and apparel.

Below is a list of badge options available, get in touch to see how we can incorporate badges in your next order.

  • Leather Etched Badge.

  • Woven Badge.

  • Embroidered Badges.

  • 3D Badges.